Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Evaluation Q5: Who would be our audience?

Here we have a video containing a range of students across a small age range. When we started this project, we decided to aim for an age group of around 16-21 as this would work well with the BBFC rating and many of our peers (around 17 years old) were very keen on the horror genre, as shown in our questionnaire from February.

For this reason, we decided to ask our members of our target audience what they thought about our sequence. Any negative feedback that was consistent across the ages would mean that we would have to rethink our target audience.

However, all the feedback we did receive was positive and only a couple of criticisms came to surface such as the angle of our first-person shake-cam within the dead bodies scene (the camera would point at the floor too often). This is could be easily fixed as our film was made with re-filming kept in mind (small number of props, storyboards, scripts, etc).

The positive feedback we got back from our brief interviews reinforce the fact that our target audience of 16-21 is likely to be well received, they are keen on our production and the BBFC rating is in keeping with this audience (15 rated). All critical to the success of The Tale of Demise's distribution and exhibition.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Evaluation Q4: addressing audiences'

AS Media OCR Evaluation Question: addressing audiences' from thetaleofdemise

Alongside the audience identifying with their age group from the actor's performance, we also have our proposed BBFC rating to target audiences. With a rating of 15 and a target audience of 16+, we can ensure that our target audience can legally view our film at cinemas and/or purchase physical copies.

Evaluation Q3: institutions distributing our film

Monday, 2 May 2016

Evaluation Q2: Representation of social groups

How does your media project represent certain social groups?


Our media project represents both men and women being vulnerable. One male and two females are murdered in our media project. This shows that men are just as weak as women and is a counter-type. However, only one man is murdered, not two women. This could be playing up to stereotypes as more women are murdered portraying they are the weaker sex. Furthermore, a women picks up the camera and screams at the scene she witnesses. This could portray that women are more sensitive and emotional than men. 


Age is also a heavily stereotyped factor of our characters. Our characters are quite young and are associated with an age group that is quite irresponsible. Teenagers are also stereotyped to be loud, stupid and to have a lack of word knowledge. This is both challenged and reinforced by our characters. On one hand, our characters could be seen as vulnerable. They find themselves in a situation they cannot control, no way out, running away from danger. Or, they could be seen as stupid for getting themselves into that situation in the first place, that it was their fault.


The actors we have chosen in our media project have a range of ethnicity's. Our "hero" characters are counter-types. As main characters, the stereotypical "heroes" are of a white ethnicity. Our "heroes" are of a black ethnicity. The idea of race being used to represent different types of characters these days can be considered backwards and frowned upon.