Saturday, 6 February 2016

Genre Conventions

Our opening sequence could be considered a Thriller/Horror due to its main narrative being an investigation, violence being present in the opening, and enigmas/mysteries being central to keeping the audience under suspense.

While we are only showing two minutes of our film, if we was to put the entire film into production, it would feature many common conventions of a Thriller including:
- An enigma that has to be solved by the protagonist or "hero"
- Scenes of violence or close calls that keep the audience "on the edge of their seat"
- A plot twist or a cover-up of information to throw off the audience (restricted, intrusive narration, red herrings, etc)

Thrillers have many different conventions and its genre covers a large number of films which has given us some flexiblity in production. I believe it to be a sensible choice for this task as it does not demand special effects or a particularly complex setting like a sci-fi might demand. Also, this genre means that we can create a highly engaging opening that holds an audience within a short amount of time and goes straight into the story.

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