Saturday, 16 January 2016

Potential Challenges of Preliminary Task

Potential Challenges of Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task, we was tasked with filming a 30 second scene of a character walking through a door, filming both opening the door and closing it behind them, and setting up a conversation of some kind within a room obeying the 180 degree correctly.

Initial ideas for this plan included having a character entering a room where two friends are waiting for a private conversation about saving and making money, until someone suggests an ‘unorthodox’ method of making money quickly. This can then be twisted into a tense of comedic scene and hopefully creates an engaging 30 second viewing.

The filming should be mostly still in movement, but there will be the occasional hand-held movement for the shot where a character must ascend the stairs to the classroom. Also, a shot reverse shot must be included in this sequence and making sure that each shot within this engagement is close enough in continuity to be identified as a shot reverse shot.

Following the 180 degree will also be a challenge as this will be the first opportunity to follow this rule in practical work. 

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